Scanning Wizard - De-skew

Check to see that the image has been scanned in straight, if not, the Scanning Wizard allows you to re-align the image and then re-save it once you have finished re-aligning the image. To re-align the image, click on the 'De-skew' tab on the Scanning Wizard screen.

De-skew tab

Using the buttons de-skew the image, use the two arrow buttons at the bottom of the de-skew area to adjust the image by small amounts. You will see how many degrees you are adjusting the image by in the box at the side of the right arrow button.


Use the four buttons at the right side of the de-skew area to adjust the image by 90, 180, and 270 degrees. The images on the buttons will give an indication to how much the image will be adjusted.
When you have de-skewed the image click on the 'Apply now' button to see how the de-skew will affect the image. When the scanned image is straight click on the 'Save' button. If you have other documents to scan, click on the 'Scan' button again. Click the 'Close' button to exit the Scanning Wizard.

Note:Double-click on the De-skew rectangle to toggle it on and off.

[Getting started][Scanner selection and destination]
[Scanning documents - starting the scan] [Scanning documents - the scanned image]